The first thing Bill decided to do was a front disc brake conversion. He figured that if he was going to turn this ‘grannymobile’ into a ‘go car’ he had better be able to stop it when needed!

He scavenged all the disc brake parts needed from a ’73 Dart. He also changed the old single pot master cylinder to a new dual pot master cylinder and added a proportioning valve. New brake lines and all new fluids topped off the parts.

Now when he presses the brake pedal he doesn’t get that knotted stomach feeling!

Disc Brake Conversion
Disc Brake Conversion
Disc Brake Conversion
Disc Brake Conversion
Disc Brake Conversion
Disc Brake Conversion
Disc Brake Conversion
Disc Brake Conversion
Disc Brake Conversion
Disc Brake Conversion
As you can see in these pictures he's also playing with the stance of the vehicle...
The driveline mods, and there are a lot, can be seen here ---»